Ch. Vlasta Line Kvin n24
Color - Black spottedDate of birth: 26.08.2014
Tested on RKD and HCM (ultrasound Inozemtsev)

International exhibition on 20-21 December 2014, Anniversary exhibition of Siberian cats "Siberian Miracle 2014"
NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACP 1-2 days, Siberian Breed Show BIV,
WCF-Ring Junior 9 place, Best Kitten of Breed

NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACJ 1-2 days, Best Junior of Breed, WCF-Ring Junior 1 place, WCF-Ring Junior 4 place, Best Junior

NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACJ 1-2 days, Best Junior of Breed,
WCF-Ring Junior 3 place, WCF Ring Junior 4 place

CACJ 1-2 days, Nom.BIS 1-2 days, WCF - Ring Junior 9, Best Junior of Breed

CAC 1-2 days

International exhibition "Holiday Boniface" OLSK Moscow 25-26 June 2016
2 - BEST animal 2015 г. by rating club "OLSK"

WCF ring 5, WCF ring 10, Nom. BIS