Cattery "VLASTA LINE" is registered in the WCF system, located in Moscow. We conduct breeding work with native Siberian cats of traditional colors.
Our animals do not carry the gene for color-points (Neva Masquerade).

WW’24, NW’24, BW’24, Jubilee Master Vlasta Line Herman
Color - black macrele n23
Date of birth: 16.03.2024
Results of the 2024 exhibition season 🏆
I present the best animal of Russia and the World according to the official WCF Best Cat rating 🥇
🌟 WW’24, NW’24, BW’24, Jubilee Master Vlasta Line Herman 🌟
№. 1 SIBERIAN KITTEN in the WORLD (BW’24) - №1 in the World
of the Siberian breed for young.
№. 1 SIBERIAN KITTEN in RUSSIA (RW’24) - №1 in Russia
of the Siberian breed for young.
№. 8 ALLBREED KITTEN in the WORLD (WW’24) - №8 WCF
World Winner in the nomination "Best Cat Among All Breeds".
№. 4 ALLBREED KITTEN in EUROPE (CW’24) - №4 Winner of WCF Europe in the nomination "Best cat among all breeds".
№. 3 ALLBREED KITTEN in RUSSIA (NW’24) - №3 Winner of WCF Russia in the nomination "Best cat among all breeds".

Nursery gem!
FIFE Ch, WOC Ch., WCF.Gr.Int.Ch. Vlasta Line Kislitsa

Best cattery 2021

Pride of the nursery
Первая золотая сибирская кошка FIFE Ch, WOC Ch., WCF.Gr.Int.Ch. Vlasta Line Kislitsa ny23 вошла в 10 лучших кошек в мировом рейтинге "Сезон 2020" !!!🏆10 из ТОП10🏆
🏆9 из ТОП10 России🏆
🏆Лучший Взрослый противоположного пола в породе
🏆Лучший Взрослый противоположного пола в породе в России

TGC TICA , GCH ICU , Gr.Int.Ch. WCF - Vlasta Line Lukerya
The only Siberian female in Russia with the title of Triple grand champion TICA
Northern Europe Region, 2022 Second Best Siberian of the Year

RCH ICU , Ch. WCF - Vlasta Line Mihr
Rating "Season 2021"
🏆World's Best Kitten in Breed
🏆Best Kitten in Breed in Russia
🏆World Best Junior in Breed
🏆Best Junior in Breed in Russia

CH TICA, Ch. WCF - Vlasta Line Mitra

Рейтинг Top Cat 2020
Vlasta Line Absolut- "Лучший котенок противоположного пола в породе по Россия"
Власта Лайн Абсолют посетил одну выставку сезона 2020 (дальше карантин).

In the cattery of Siberian cats "VLASTA LINE" you can buy a Siberian kitten that meets all the requirements of the breed standard.
Our kittens are healthy, pedigree, beautiful, socialized kittens with a stable psyche, descendants of their parents.
The producers of our cattery are descendants of the oldest and most famous lines: Valenvik, Urkis, Sibaris, Marseille, Prophetic Son, etc. Living as family members constant human contact.
Males, cats, kittens of the cattery take part in exhibitions of different systems: TICA, WCF, Fife, ICU, WOC. In exhibitions of different levels: international, worldwide, multi-system (1500 cats) where the best of the best gather. Worthy taking high places of honor in the rings, winning at the Best. Becoming the best representatives of the exhibition! Thus, confirming their pedigree data, friendly character, and socialization. Possessing excellent health, stress resistance and temperament.
Graduates of the "VLASTA LINE" cattery live in different parts of the world around the world as producers in nurseries and as pets. Even in our difficult time, we have the opportunity to deliver a pet to different countries. Reliable, trusted couriers provide delivery services.
You need a Siberian kitten that meets the breed standard, socialized, healthy, stress-resistant! - YES.
Our pets meet your requirements. Welcome to the page KITTENS FOR YOU.

Награждение рейтинга Top Cat 2020

The first exhibition in Russia according to the WOC system
"CUP OF KARELIA 2020" Petrozavodsk, KLC "Aurinko", WOC
05 - 06 December 2020
The winner of the first exhibition in Russia became
FIFE Ch, WCF.Gr.Int.Ch. Vlasta Line Kislitsa ny 23 - Best Supreme !!!
December 05 - Best of Best I, Best General, WOC Ring 2, Best in Breed
"December 06" - Best of Best I, Best Supreme, WOC Ring 2, Best in Breed, SS Best adult, Super Show "CUP OF KARELIA 2020" -2/18 (by lot)

Photo shoot by Alexey Naumenko:
Female: Vlasta Line Argana

Awarding according to the rating of the OLSK club for 2018:
Vlasta Line Lukerya: 2nd place
Vlasta Line Roxana: 4th place
Vlasta Line Lel: 8th place

Exhibition "Season of the Russian cat" 07-08. 09. 2019 in Sokolniki, which was held by the club OLSK. Two representatives of different generations took part in the exhibition.
Vlasta Line Argana mother of litters: E,I,P,U showed an excellent Show Temperament. The break between exhibitions is 3.5 years! Did not participate in all shows.
Vlasta Line Argana: Ring 5/36, FUN - 8/25, FUN -7/15, FUN - 6/13
Vlasta Line Verdi: NOM BIS both days

"International exhibition of cats OLSK" 8-9-10 March 2019, WCF, Moscow
Vlasta Line Kislitsa (One day participation - 10 March): Ring 3/13, Super Show 1/9, Fun 1/4, Fun 5/6, Fun 10/10,
Best of Best opposite Sex, Nomination BIS, Best in Breed
Vlasta Line Taffeit: Nomination BIS, SS Best junior opposite Sex, Nomination BIS, Ring 4/16,
Fun 3/6, Best opposite Sex Junior, Nomination BIS, Best in Variety

Multisystem Exhibition "CATSBURG" 2019 2-3 March 2019, FIFE, Moscow
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: NOM BIS both days. Best in Show both days
Vlasta Line Taffeith: EX 1 both days

"The season of Russian cats" 2018 25 and 26 August 2018, WCF, Moscow
Vlasta Line Roxana: Best Kitten II, Best Kitten III, SS Best kitten, Fun 4/18,
Fun 7/15, Fun 10/21, Nomination BIS, Nomination BIS
Vlasta Line Lukerya: Ring 7/17, Fun 9/15, Nomination BIS

"Cat in boots" 2018 19 and 20 May 2018, WCF, Moscow
Vlasta Line Lukerya: Best of Best II, Fun 4/15, Fun 4/13, Nomination BIS

Moscow Spring 2018 10 and 11 March 2018, WCF, Moscow
Vlasta Line Lukerya: Ring 1/8, Best in Variety, SS Best junior, Fun 4/10, Nomination BIS,
Vlasta Line Lel: Best opposite Sex Junior, Nomination BIS,
SS Best junior opposite Sex, Best opposite Sex Junior, Nomination BIS
Vlasta Line Boss: Best Neuter, Nomination BIS, Ring 3/3, SS Best neuter, Nomination BIS

Multisystem Exhibition CATSBURG 2018 3 and 4 March 2018, Moscow
For the first time we decided to exhibit the FIFe system
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: adult EX.1 both days; CAC both days; nom. Bis; BIV both days
Vlasta Line Lukerya: junior EX.1 both days; nom. Bis; BIV ;Mono show Siberian - Best Junior

International exhibition "Moscow Cup - Siberian Miracle" Moscow 16-17 December 2017
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: Best of Best (Alter), Super Show 4, WCF-Ring 7, WCF-Ring 9
SS Best adult, Best in Variety, 2*Nom.Bis
Vlasta Line Lukerya: Best Kitten, Super show 8, WCF-Ring 1
SS Best kitten, Nom.Bis, The heaviest girl kitty on the weighing results

Press about us - in the journal "Friend" (09.2017 г.) published an interview about our star cat
"Vlasta Line Kislitsa"
The announcement will open when you click on the picture (PDF file)

Press about us - in the journal "" (03.2017 г.) the Siberian breed in the traditional color
represents cat kennel "Vlasta Line Kvin".
The room is dedicated to the Siberian breed and the 20 th anniversary of the club "OLSK"
Vlasta Line Kvin ::: Vlasta Line Boss

Multisystem Exhibition CATSBURG 2017 4 and 5 March 2017, Moscow
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: WCF ring 7, CAGCIB 1-2 days

International exhibition "Alfa Kot" club Tver 18-19 March 2017
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: WCF ring 4, BOS both days, SS Best female
Vlasta Line Kvin: WCF ring 5, WCF ring 10, Nom. BIS

Really well run show yesterday! Thanks Gold Coast Cat Club.
Our online prom "Vlasta Line Count" left for permanent residence in Australia took part in two exhibitions.
He became the Champion of Australia on the result of two exhibitions.
Vlasta Line Count: first Australian Show. Best In Show Ring 2!! Best in Show Ring 3!!!
Reserve in Show Ring 1! Happy 1st Birthday "Count"!!
Vlasta Line Count: 12th of February: Ring 1- Res in breed -6th in Show, Ring 2-Best of breed-3rd in Show,
Ring 3-Best of breed-3rd in Show, Ring 4-Best of Breed-Res in Show

International exhibition in Moscow. 4-5 February , 2017 Club "ROSKOSH".
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: Nom. BIS, CACIB 1-2 days

Our online prom "Vlasta Line Count" who left for permanent residence in Australia
and are temporarily living in England took participated in the exhibition FIFe and TICA
Vlasta Line Count: FIFe excel.1 both days Nom. BIS /// TICA 4 finals - 6,9,7,4 a place

International exhibition "Holiday Boniface" OLSK Moscow 25-26 June 2016
Vlasta Line Boss: SS Best Junior opposite Sex, Nom. BIS both days
Vlasta Line Bonnie: BIV
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: 10 - BEST animal 2015 г. by rating club "OLSK"
Vlasta Line Kvin: 2 - BEST animal 2015 г. by rating club "OLSK"

International exhibition in Moscow. May 28-29, 2016 МФЦ "Zooworld"
Vlasta Line Boss: WCF-Ring Junior 1 (total 31), SS Best Junior opposite Sex, Nom. BIS both days

International exhibition in Moscow. 1-2 May , 2016 Club "ROSKOSH"
Vlasta Line Bonnie: WCF-Ring Junior 8 (total 37), SS Best Junior, Best Junior Show Tabby Colors, NOM. BIS both days

International exhibition in Moscow. April 2-3, 2016 Aster
Vlasta Line Bonnie: WCF-Ring Junior 8, WCF-Ring Junior 9, SS Best Kitten/ Best of Breed, Nom. BIS, титул CACP

International exhibition in Moscow. March 19-20, 2016 МФЦ Felis
Vlasta Line Boss: Best opposite Sex Kitten both days, WCF-Ring Junior 6, Ring Forest 6, SS Best Kitten, титул CACP
Vlasta Line Bonnie: WCF-Ring Junior 5, SS Best kitten opposite Sex, Nom. BIS both days, титул CACP

International exhibition "Spring Melodies" OLSK ,8 March 2016
Vlasta Line Boss: Best Kitten, WCF - Ring Junior 2, SS Best kitten opposite Sex, Nom.BIS, титул CACP
Vlasta Line Argana: SS Best adult opposite Sex., Nom.BIS, титул CAC

International exhibition on 25-26 July 2015
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: Nom.BIS, CAC / CACIB, WCF - Ring Aduit 9, SS Best adult opposite Sex,
SS Best adult opposite Sex
Vlasta Line Kvin: CAC 1-2 days

International exhibition on June 27 April 2015
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: CAC 1-2 days

International exhibition on June 6-7 2015, "Circle of Cats"
Vlasta Line Kvin: CACJ - CAC 1-2 days, Nom.BIS - CAC 1-2 days, WCF - Ring Junior 9, Best Junior of Breed

International exhibition on 30-31 May 2015, "KATTEN KABINET - 8"
Vlasta Line Kvin: NOM.BIS CAC 1-2 days, CAC 1-2 days, Best Junior of Breed,
WCF-Ring Junior 3 place from 35, WCF Ring Junior 4 place from 29
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACJ 1-2 days,Best Junior of Breed, Best of Breed

International exhibition on 21-22 March 2015, "Moscow spring 2015" OLSK.
Vlasta Line Kvin: NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACJ 1-2 days, Best Junior of Breed,
WCF-Ring Junior 1 place, WCF-Ring Junior 4 place, Best Juniоr
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACJ 1-2 days, Best Junior of Breed,
WCF-Ring Junior 5 place, Best Junior

International exhibition on 20-21 December 2014, Anniversary exhibition of Siberian cats "Siberian Miracle 2014"
Vlasta Line Kvin: NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACP 1-2 days, Siberian Breed Show BIV,
WCF-Ring Junior 9 place, Best Kitten of Breed
Vlasta Line Kislitsa: NOM.BIS 1-2 days, CACP 1-2 days,
BEST Female traditional color BREEDERS CHOICE
Patricio Slavicat: Nom.BIS, WCF - Ring Aduit 2

International exhibition on 12-13 April 2014, "Moscow spring 2014" OLSK.
Patricio Slavicat: Nom.BIS, Cup stars out of the club OLSK among Siberians 2nd place

International exhibition on June 8-9 2013, "Circle of Cats"
Patricio Slavicat: Nom.BIS, WCF - Ring Aduit 6 (43) Nom.BIS

International exhibition on 13-14 April 2013, "Moscow spring 2013" OLSK.
Patricio Slavicat: CACJ 1-2 days, Nom.BIS 1-2 days, WCF - Ring Junior 4, WCF - Ring Junior 7,
Best Junior of Breed

International exhibition on 23-24 February 2013, "Frey"
Patricio Slavicat : CACJ 1-2 days, Nom.BIS 1-2 days, WCF - Ring Junior 3, WCF - Ring Junior 7

International exhibition on 15-16 December 2012, 3 - specialty "Siberian Miracle - 2012"
Patricio Slavicat: Nom.BIS, WCF - Ring Junior 4, Best in Variety, Best Kitten of Breed, Best Kitten